Friday, February 28, 2014

When You Become an Expendable Commodity

Expendable. An adjective. Meaning: meant to be used and thrown away...
(thank you Merriam-Webster online dictionary)

I know that 'expendable' and 'commodity' are words typically attached to products or stuff like that, but I also know that there are moments when people are treated as such.

Were you surrounded by people who treat their friends as expendable commodities? Are you a lucky enough to be handled like that? Or are you one of those who ill-use others like that? You're the one to decide on who you really are.

But let's have a reality check. We have used other people a couple of times for our own benefit with or without showing gratitude to them. Yet, we have all been used by other people. When others tend to shrug this concept off because they say that there's nothing wrong with that 'coz it follows the principle of equivalent exchange or cause and effect and a bunch of other related crap, let us see what it is to be 'the used'.

Being offended is a given. Knowing that you have been used like some kind of toilet paper and then got thrown away because you're no longer of use is such a blow to our pride and dignity. Others tend to be bitter, others tend to secretly wish 'em bad fortune or karma of sorts, and others tend to do the retribution themselves. But then, if you plan to have that sweet revenge, wouldn't you be a bad guy, too? Of course you would. Being a 'victim' doesn't give you the right to punish and hurt the one who started it all.

Don't be a martyr. But don't let others trample on you either. And don't completely rely on the saying, "Those who are oppressed are the ones to be blessed." You should stand up for yourself. Remember, you can offer your help to others who need it, just don't let them play mind games and use you up 'til you're dry.

Oh and one more thing, you know what's good about being a commodity no matter how bad it sounds? It's from the definition itself: something or someone that is useful or valued. You are useful in a good way. And you are supposed to be valued.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Seeing Your Imperfections in A Positive Way

I am perfectly imperfect! I know it’s a cliche as old as my grandfather’s grandpa, but hey, it makes some sense anyway.
Sure, I have had things that I wanted to change about myself (in my preteen stage of insecurities and whatnot). But then, there are things that you can never change no matter what you do. And instead of wallowing in a hole of self-pity, I paused to think. “Wouldn’t life be boring if we were perfect?”
Well in fact, it will. It would be utterly lame. And that’s the best thing about having imperfections! They make me strive to make a change in me. And that is way better than being perfect.
God definitely had a great reason for everything.